The Institution has been focusing on the technological empowerment of the rural youth. This is one area, distinctive to its priority. The thrust is on exposing the rural youth, getting admission into the Institution, to technology advancements.
The Institution attracts a large number of rural youth, qualifying at the entrance examinations, prescribed by the Govt, for admission into the various programs.
Of the 1648 students, admitted into the Institution, through various qualifying examinations during the last 5 years 74% have rural background. They belong to the rural areas of the combined district of Anantapuramu of A.P. state, covering 63 Mandals.
The students, with their background, who join the various programs, are transformed into competent Engineers/Business Administrators, at the end of study, of their respective programs.
The passing out students are empowered with skills, knowledge and ability to use Technology, through various practices and measures, undertaken by the Institution.
Human resources (Faculty and Staff)
Physical Resources (Laboratories)
Digital Resources (ICT tools and services)
Learning Resources (Library including Digital Library) are effectively used, in the empowerment process.
A wide ranging number of activities/events/methods at different levels of study, of their programs, are planned adopted and implemented. To ensure that the students participation in these activities is effective, standard operating procedures have been developed.
The various activities/methods aimed at providing students exposure/opportunities to acquire knowledge, skills and get trained in the usage of technology include,
Curriculum based practical courses ( Laboratory Courses)
Training of students
Training and placement related
Training at program level specific to the students
Learning resources related
MOOCs, Swayam etc.,
NPTEL Courses/material
e-books, e-journals reference and usage
access to online platforms
ICT tools/methods related
Use of electronic gadgets including laptops and smart phones
Access to internet
Skill development
Industry – Interaction related
Industry supported labs and facilities there in
Interaction with Industry experts like talks/lectures/presentations on advanced themes/topics
The students are required to attend and complete several practical courses (laboratories) during their programs of study.
he laboratories have been equipped with
Relevant software
ICT tools, wherever needed
Equipment, reflecting advances in technology
Automation facilities
The faculty, take steps to give students an exposure and understanding of technology based content in the curriculum. This enables the students acquire basic knowledge and skills related to use of technology.
The T&P cell plans and conducts various training programs for students, to assist, support and help students, face the recruitment. On an average about 4 training program are conducted every year, in which the students are given basic information, knowledge and skills of usage of various technologies.
The Departments/Programs conduct various programs at their level, like
Conduct of short term workshops
Conduct of conference/seminar on emerging technologies
Digital awareness sessions
The students get opportunity to use of NPTEL resources available, giving them an exposure to technological advances and emerging technologies and their uses.
The introduction of MOOCs in the University Curriculum and the access to e-journals is likely to help student gain increased knowledge base on technology and its development.
ICT tools/method usage
The students make use of the smart phones, computers and laptops to analyze data and use advanced methods of technology. The skill enhancement resulting, is dependent on usage of
other gadgets/equipment/accessories
Students are made to acquire valuable insights into working technologies, their usage and related developments, by attending expert talks/presentations, by Industry persons.
To keep abreast of technological developments, the Departments/Programs make every effort to improve the quality of interaction.
The overall technological exposure, results in transition of young students into users of technology and gain skills, most needed for employment and professional development.
During the last five years, there have been a transformation of students into technocrats, able to get employment and serve the interests of the industry and society.
A total of 15 training sessions have been conducted by the T&P cell, focusing on technological skills
The Department/Programs have arranged a total of 16 short term training programs, in the last five years.
The students strength of 1648 composing of rural background students of the total admitted students, in the last five years has been empowered with sufficient knowledge and skills to make them conversant with technology.
A total of 1648 students, 48% of total admitted, in the last five years have been able to get placements, because of the skills acquired. On the whole, because of the initiatives launched by the Institution, the rural students acquire basic knowledge, skills along with ethics and life skills, including self confidence to use technology on various platforms.
The usage of digital resources, devices, tools and support provided by faculty and resource persons result in the most important outcome, the technological empowerment of rural youth.