
Internal Quality Assurance Cell

Internal Quality Assurance Cell

PVKK Institute of Technology

Best Practice - 2

1. Title of the Practice

"Green Campus Initiative: Fostering Environmental Consciousness through Sustainable Practices"

2. Objectives of the Practice

To promote environmental awareness, implement sustainable practices, reduce carbon footprint, and create a bio-diverse campus ecosystem while engaging students in eco-friendly activities.

3. The Context

Rising environmental concerns and the need for sustainable development prompted the institute to implement comprehensive green initiatives and inspire environmental stewardship.

4. The Practice

The institute conducts World Water Day celebrations, World Environment Day- awareness talks, and regular plantation drives. Solar power units (100 KV) support energy needs.

5. Evidence of Success

Significant reduction in power bills through solar energy, increased campus biodiversity supporting various species, and active student participation in environmental programs demonstrate successful implementation.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Initial investment for solar installation, maintaining green spaces during water scarcity, and coordinating student participation while managing academic schedules posed challenges.

7. Notes

The Smt. Palle Uma Garden serves as a model for sustainable landscaping, while the practice of gifting saplings instead of bouquets promotes green consciousness beyond campus boundaries.
