
Accreditation Process Cell



Accreditation Process Cell

PVKK Institute of Technology


  1. Establish and maintain quality standards: The Accreditation Process Cell aims to define and maintain quality standards for a particular field or industry. This involves setting benchmarks, guidelines, and criteria that organizations or individuals must meet to receive accreditation.
  2. Evaluate and assess performance: The Accreditation Process Cell is responsible for evaluating and assessing the performance of organizations or individuals seeking accreditation. This includes reviewing documentation, conducting site visits, and gathering feedback from stakeholders to determine whether the applicants meet the required standards.
  3. Promote continuous improvement: The Accreditation Process Cell encourages continuous improvement within accredited organizations or individuals. By providing continuous feedback, recommendations, and suggestions for improvement, the cell helps entities enhance their practices, processes, and outcomes.
  4. Enhance credibility and trust: The Accreditation Process Cell aims to enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of accredited entities by providing a reliable and objective assessment of their capabilities.


  1. Develop accreditation criteria and standards: The Accreditation Process Cell is responsible for developing the criteria and standards that organizations or individuals must meet to receive accreditation. This involves conducting research, consulting with experts, and considering industry best practices to establish comprehensive and relevant accreditation requirements.
  2. Process accreditation applications: The Accreditation Process Cell receives and processes accreditation applications from organizations or individuals seeking accreditation. This includes reviewing the applications, verifying documentation, and ensuring that all required information is provided.
  3. Conduct site visits and evaluations: The Accreditation Process Cell may conduct site visits or evaluations to assess the compliance of the applicant with the accreditation criteria and standards. This involves visiting the facilities, reviewing processes, and interacting with personnel to gather firsthand information and evidence.
  4. Coordinate accreditation review processes: The Accreditation Process Cell coordinates the review process, which may involve assembling a team of subject-matter experts or evaluators to assess the accreditation applications. They ensure that the review process is thorough, fair, and consistent.
  5. Provide guidance and support to applicants: The Accreditation Process Cell serves as a resource for applicants, providing guidance and support throughout the accreditation process. They may answer queries, clarify requirements, and offer assistance to help applicants understand and meet the accreditation standards.
  6. Facilitate communication and collaboration: The Accreditation Process Cell acts as a liaison between the accrediting body and the applicants, facilitating communication and collaboration. They may communicate updates, share feedback, and address concerns raised by applicants during the accreditation process.